Our favourite Game

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Katharina Brandt - Volleyball

My favourite game is volleyball. You play this game on a field with a net in the middel and you need a ball. In each team are six players. You can play this game also on the beach and then there are two players in each team. But when you play this game just for fun with some friends than it is not important how many players are in each team. You have only two important rules: When the ball touched the ground on your side the other team gets the point. Each team can touch the ball tree times bevor you must play the ball over the net.
This is my favourite game because you can play it with many friends and it makes fun.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Stephanie Visser - Uno

One of my favourite games is UNO. It is a card-game and it is not difficult to play. It is like Mau Mau but with own cards. Every player gets seven cards. The cards are in the colours red, yellow, green and blue. There are the numbers siro to nine on it or the symbols get 2 new cards, expose and retour. And there are two action cards, first whish you another colour and second whish you another colour while the person who plays after you in the round has to get 4 new cards. The finish of the game is to have no cards on your hand anymore. In the middle lays a card and you have to lay down a card from your hand which fits. If there is for example a yellow three on the table you can lay down another yellow card or a card with a three on it or an action card. If there is only one card left on your hand you have to say "UNO". If the game is finished you can count the points but you mustn't. You can also think about more rules.I like this game very much because I play it since I am three years old and I always have very much fun.

Sarah Hinrichs - Activity

It is a game for a whole bunch of people, who are divided into a few teams.There's always one team-member who has two draw a card that tells you the thing you have to explain to your friends.You've only got about one minute to do that and the most important and funniest thing about it is that you either have to draw, explain or mime the word.The aim of this game is to make your team-members guess as many words as possible.I really like and recommend this game, because it is just too much fun to see your friends cracking up while they are standing right in front of you and trying to make you guess their pose or something like that.And you can always improve yourself for sure :)

Erik Hetkamp - "Warcraft III : The Frozen Throne"

Warcraft 3 : TFT is a tactical computergame. You can play alone and try the campaing or play with other gamers on internet.In the multiplayer mode you can choose four races : the Orcs, the Humans, the Undead and the Nightelves. Thecleverly devised gamebalance allows many tactics. You can also choose if you want to play 1on1 (you against anothergamer) or 2on2 and so on. There is also a ladder system on the Battle.net (the internet platform where gamers play on).With every win you gain exerpience and get new levels to play vs. better gamers. With a special statistic you can getnew pictures for your profile. You can join guilds and play on tournaments. There is also a chat system and you have afriendslist where you can see what your friends are playing. In the internet exists a special language named "dude speek" (f.e. "lol" "wtf" "noob" "gosu" : lol = laughing out loud,wtf = what the fuck?, noob = newbie [a new gamer who has not enough gaming experience] , gosu = god of Starcraftuniverse {very early strategy game}). Without this speech you are helpless in this "world".In the campaign and multiplayer you have some heroes who gain experience by killing mobs and other heroes. With every new level you can choose different skills like "Death-Coil" or "Healing-Wave". In the campaign modus you haveto play the given race and to solve the quests (there are main and secondary orders to fill). The whole story and gaming atmosphere is very deep because of the video sequences which introduce your quests (f.e. you have to bring a stolen book back to its owner or hold importaint points on the map).Warcraft III : TFT is my favourite game because it requires a certain understanding of tactical elements. It connectsenthralling action with logical thinking.

Lena Jobs - Sims2

When I come to name my favourite game, the well known life-simulation Sims 2 comes in my mind immediately - apart from basketball and monopoly of course - The Sims 2 is the highly anticipated successor of the successful "the Sims", which was one of the best selling Games worldwide. The Sims 2 simulates the life of an average person, in a never seen level of detail. The player can decide upon the jobs, the hobbies and even the genes of their characters. With countless Expansion Packs, the World and possibillities of the Sims 2 grow in an enourmos way. If you are wealthy enough to own all of them, you can even build your own supermarket, holiday resort or just buy a little puppy. When you have all of it's features in mind, you will recognize that the SIms 2 is so much more than a virtual doll's house. It's a challenging, complex and propably the best selling PC Game on the market.

Lukas Koch - Mafia


Mafia is one of the most famous computer single player games in the third-person-view section, so I will present it for you shortly:
The game Mafia is a third-person shooter and acts in the fictional town ´Lost Heaven` in the 1930´s. You are playing the main person ´Tommy Angelo` who gets his money as a taxi-driver. But one day his life changes from one moment to the other. Because of a unfortunately encounter with two fleeing Mafia-members he has to drive them through Lost Heaven. After he has done this, the Mafia-Gangster give him enough money to live some weeks without working and they ask him about getting included to the Mafia. They talk about needing good guys like Tommy, but he does not accept because his opinion about a gangster-life differs from their´s.
Some days later Tommy Angelo gets punished by some gangsters who have noticed his numberplate during the fleeing. Now Tommy flees again. He runs to Don Salieri who said that he is always available for good guys like he is. They help Tommy and now he cannot survive without the Mafia.
Now you have to do some missions that are always good combined and they are fitting to the whole story and the time, the story plays.
After that Tommy becomes a respected Mafia-Gangster, but in the end he betrays his own Mafia-family to the police and so has to get killed by them.
I like the game Mafia very well, because it is made like a hollywood-film in which you can act on yourself. Also it is a nice feature that you can act completely free in the whole town Lost Heaven. It is your choice if you drive in a car, walk or drive with the tube. The game has also a high realistic grade. For example, you have to watch out when you drive to fast, because the police is very serious.

Tobias Traub - Natural Selection

My favourite game ist he so called mod Natural Selection, also called „ns“ or „NaSe“.
Natural Selection is a modification for the famous game “HalfLife” (so a fan-made addition to the game).
Ns is a first-person-shooter, that means you look through a character’s eyes and see what he sees.
NaSe is about a fight between two factions: The Space Marines (human soldiers) and the Khaara (a alien species with many different lifeforms).
The game takes place in a Sci-Fi atmosphere.
The game’s aim is to destroy the opponents base (the Marine base with various buildings or the alien’s hives) by capturing resources. With this “res” the Marine commander or the alien gorges can build other structeres, get upgrades, buy weapons or gestate to higher lifeforms.
Indeed Natural Selection isn’t a stupid shooter like Unreal Tournament or Doom. Without a good taktic, a good commander, good teamplay and good teamcommunication you won’t win a single game.

Now the Marines have upgrades that let them deal more damage or have better armor. The two unique upgrades they have are the “Jetpack” (jp) and the “Heavy Armor” (ha).
The jetpack is, as the name says, able to fly through the map, so the Marine can reach higher locations. The Heavy Armor has a very much armor, but is very slow. The Marines have the more “conventional” way of playing and are quite simple to understand (exept of the position as a commander, which is very hard to play).

On the other side there are the Khaara. It needs a lot of time to understand how to play the different lifeforms. They have five different of them. Each of them has four unique abbilities:
The “skulk”: He is able to walk on walls and is very fast, but he has low hitpoints, so he is more the sneaker. The skulk is able to leap around or to parasite enemies. Parasited enemies can be seen everywhere on the map, no matter where they are.
The gorge: He is a pig-like creature and the most popular lifeform in this game. There are a lot of jokes about him in the Natural Selection scene. The gorge is the Khaara’s supporter. He is very slow, has average hitpoints and he has very many special abbilities (for example he can heal allies). He also can spit green balls at his enemies to damage them. The “gorgie” is the only lifeform, which is able to build structures.
The lerk: He is some kind of flying dinosaur and the alien’s scout. He bites his opponents or spits clouds of gas at them. This gas damages Marines as long as they stay in there (exept of the Heavy Armor). The lerk is the fastest lifeform, but has not very much hitpoints.
The fade: He is quite similar to a raptor. He is ablot to attack his enemies with his claws, to heal himself or to move foreward quickly by using his blink abbility. The fade has much hitpoints and high armor.
The onos: The onos looks a little bit like a rhino and a little bit like a cow. He can impale his enemies with his horn, stomp on the ground in order to stun them for a second or he can devour a whole Marine to devour him in his stomach (indeed not a very nice experience to make).
The Khaara can choose out of a impressive number of upgrades, but at leas they can get just three of them at a time. They have to choose one of three movement-, defense, and sensory-upgrades, which makes them faster, gives them more armor or let them be nearly invisible as long as they sneak.

One of the latest features in Natural Selection are the combat maps. There are no resource slots and both teams just have their mainbuildings. In combat maps there is no commander and you can’t build any structures. You just have to destroy the opponents mainbuilding. In this maps you get experience for killing enemies and once you got eneough “xp” you rise a level and get a skill point. This skill point you can invest to get upgrades or to gestate.
In combat maps, there is no taktic, it’s just dump shooting around. And it is the reason, why the Natural Selection community began to die. Because together with the combat maps there came the “noobs” and “lamers”.
I really love this game. Because you need a good feeling of what is happening in the game and because of the feeling of playing together as a team.

Linda Olbers - For-Get-It

My favourite game is called FOR-GET-IT. It’s a game of chance.
You have got nine dice with the numbers 1-5 on it and instead of the six there is a word either FOR, or GET, or IT.
With this dice you have to collect as many points as possble and when you have played dive you have to decide with number you are going to collect and to put them aside. If you played a word, you would have to put it aside, too.
So you have to play dice on and on but when you’ve played dice all three words than all your points are away and than it’s the other persons turn. And in the end the person with the most points is the winner.

Markus Haferkamp - The Elder Scrolls IV

The Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionBeing a computer gamer for more than ten years now my favourite game happens to be a computer a game, a role playing game to be more specific, named "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion".As one can easily derive from the name it is the fourth part of the "Elder Scrolls" series. Just like its precursor "Morrowind" the story takes place in the fictional world of Tamriel, which resemblesa medieval empire yet includes fantasy races like (dark-)elves, dwarves and even a feline race.The player starts as prisioner, waking up and not knowing how he got into this situation. He is set free by Emperor Uriel Septim VII who uses a secret door in the prision cell to escape unseeen out of the Imperial City after having visions forecasting his death. Eventually he is murdered by mysterious assassins who lay an ambush in the sewers of the city. The player is asked to carry theAmulet of Kings to a man named Jauffre in order to save the world from a demonic menace. Although the empire's fate lies in the player's hand he is free to roam wherever he may wants to andcomplete numerous quests or join a guild.This complete freedom given to the player plus the dense atmosphere created by simply stunning graphics makes this game my game of choice. One can dive into a different, fantastic world and dowhatever you like to, may it be trading, fighting or roguery.

Michelle Erler - Ligretto

My favourite game is "Ligretto". It´s a cardgame for 2 - 14 persons. But in my opinion you really have to be 4 persons. First you have to mix the cards, then every player gets 40 cards which have 4 different colours: blue, red, yellow & green and numbers from 1 - 10 on the frontside. Next, every player has to put 10 of his cards on a staple on the table in the front of himself. Aside the players lay down 3 other cards with the frontside on the top. The players keep the other cards in their hands. Then the game starts, all players act at the same time.The aim is to carry off the staple of 10 cards, but you can only lay down in ascending numerical order, ordered by the four colours. If the player took one of the 3 open lying cards, he has to fill in the blank with cards out of the staple. As soon as one player has carried off his staple, he has to shout "Ligretto", so the game is finished.Now every player has to count his cards in the middle of the table and gets one point for each card. The other cards have 2 points and must be discount from the points of the other cards, in the middle of the table.The player with most points wins.I really like "Ligretto" because you need a good reaction to play this game. Moreover you could buy following Ligretto versions, so it won´t be boring.

Kai Hannemann - Pro Evolution Soccer 6

My favourite game is Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (PES 6). PES 6 is a football simulation game. I play it on PC, but you also can play it on Playstation 2 or X- Box. It's produced by KONAMI and in England it's called "World Soccer Winning Eleven 9 International". In the game you can choose a lot of teams, for example Bayern München, FC Barcelona or Chelsea London. Then you can play vs. friends, online - players or the artificial intelligence. The rules are the same, like the normal football, because it's a football simulation! I like it, because the contol is better than every other football game. Besides I can play against my friends in the on-line mode and it makes so much fun!!!